Brian's Path to graduation goal with as a parent with the support of Strong Tomorrows.

Brian has served as a great example of an active parent always ready to share his experience and knowledge of ensuring his son's healthy development with fellow program participants.

Brian is one of the few program participants to enroll as a 9th grader and make it to his high school graduation while actively participating throughout his 4 years of high school. His postsecondary plan includes working full time to move his family into their own apartment and attend a technical program to become a mechanic.

"The program helped me become a better parent and student. I learned so much about co-parenting, healthy relationships, and parenting through their workshops. Strong Tomorrows truly cares about their participants and their future success. Strong Tomorrows gave me the support I needed to prioritize my education while raising my son. I couldn't have made it through high school without their continuous monitoring and emotional support."
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